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The difference between reflection and refraction

Pubdate:2021-01-20 Views:557

Reflection of light: light is blocked back in a plane with the same angle of incidence and reflection.

Refraction of light: deflection of light passing through media of different densities.

The reflection and refraction of light is an optical phenomenon that the propagation direction of light changes on the interface between two substances.

The similarities between refraction and reflection are as follows

  1. The direction of transmission has changed. When light slants into another material, the direction of propagation at the interface changes.

2. On the same side of the normal. The reflected light, the refracted light and the corresponding incident light are on both sides of the normal. 3. The three lines are coplanar. The reflected light and refracted light are in the same plane with the corresponding incident light and normal.

The difference between refraction and Reflection:

1.The distribution is different at the interface. The reflected light and incident light are on the same side of the interface, while the refracted light and incident light are on both sides of the interface.

2. The angle is different in size. The reflection angle is equal to the incidence angle, and the refraction angle is not (necessarily) equal to the incidence angle.

3. The direction doesn't have to change. When the light is perpendicular to the interface of two materials, the direction of the reflected light changes and the light returns to the original material. However, the refracted light enters the other material with the same direction.