Application scenarios of telecentric lens

2021-01-20      566

One of the most important advantages of telecentric lens is that the change of object distance does not affect the magnification of the image. Due to the unique technical advantages of telecentric lens, at present, the requirements of high-precision detection, such as mechanical parts measurement, plastic parts measurement, glass products and medical parts measurement, electronic components measurement, are especially suitable for the occasions of precision measurement.

Under what circumstances will double telecentric lenses be used

1.When the thickness of the detected object is large and more than one plane needs to be detected, typical applications such as food boxes, beverage bottles, etc;

2. When the position of the measured object is uncertain, it may be at a certain angle with the lens;

3. When the measured object jumps up and down in the process of being detected, such as the working distance changes due to the vibration of the production line;

4. When the measured object has an aperture or is a three-dimensional object;

5. When low distortion rate is needed and the brightness of image effect is almost the same;

6. When the defects to be detected can only be detected under parallel illumination in the same direction;

7. When it is necessary to exceed the detection accuracy, such as the allowable error is 1 um.

Specific application scenarios of telecentric lens

1.Measurement of mechanical parts

The most common application of telecentric lens is to measure the size of precision mechanical parts. Telecentric lens is mainly used to measure precision mechanical parts, such as springs, screws, nuts and washers.

2. Measurement of plastic parts

Another major application of telecentric lens is to measure rubber seals, O-rings and plastic caps. The characteristic of object is that it is easy to deform when moving and measuring, and the traditional measurement method is more difficult. The detection method of these parts needs non-contact optical measurement technology.

3. Measurement of electronic components

Many other components (such as resistors, triodes and integrated circuits) need a small telecentric lens to check their integrity, size, specification, position and pin curvature, and the electronic drawing board needs to check the distance between the components. For other electronic products such as transistors and IC circuits, telecentric lens is used to detect the size and location of the connection points, while circuit boards are often used to control the distance between electronic components.

4. Measurement of glass products and medical parts

Many pharmaceutical glassware, such as vials, capsules and tubular bottles, are usually measured by telecentric lens to ensure complete sealing and prevent damage. There are similar applications in the beverage industry, such as measuring the thread of glass bottleneck. Syringes and other medical passive devices also need telecentric testing system technology.

5. Other special uses

Telecentric lens has some other applications, such as:

1. Particle measurement;

2. High precision color measurement in printing industry;

3. Measurement of lithographic mask layer;

4. Filter control;

5. Blood analysis and cell measurement.

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