High value electronic optical components

2021-01-20      577

With the continuous development of optical lens industry, a complete industrial chain has been formed. Optical lens is located in the center of optical components industry chain. The industry chain includes upstream optical lens materials (optical glass and optical plastic), midstream optical components mainly include spherical lens, aspheric lens, color filter and other optoelectronic devices, as well as laminated glass camera lens, plastic camera lens, glass plastic hybrid camera lens, etc., while the midstream and downstream optical components are optical lens The main uses of learning lens include intelligent machine, tablet, sports camera, driverless, smart home system, security monitoring system, VR / AR and other industries.

The key applications of optical lens manufacturing are nitrate materials, plastic mechanical equipment parts, metal mechanical equipment parts, mechanical and electrical engineering parts and other raw materials. The harm of raw materials produced by upstream and downstream manufacturing industries to optical lens products is mainly reflected in the price factors and quality factors. For example, the price rise of electronic components and other raw materials will lead to the rise of the production price of optical lens; if the quality of optical raw materials does not meet the industrial standards, it will lead to the quality assurance of optical lens or the reduction of the shipment of optical lens.

Optical lens is a kind of high value optical element, which is composed of multiple lenses, VCM ring motor, spacer ring, image sensor, FPC and so on. In the value chain, image sensors account for 52% of camera modules, followed by modules (20%) and optical lenses (19%).

Optical lens industry chain introduction the upstream core components of optical module mainly include optical lens, CIS chip, filter, motor, etc.

The barrier of optical lens technology is very high, which is mainly reflected in patent, production technology and mold. There are very few enterprises that really mass produce high-quality lenses.

China's optical lenses started late, until 2008, the domestic market has been monopolized by foreign enterprises. At that time, the design and manufacturing level of developed countries far exceeded the domestic level, and the best were Germany and Japan. Excellent tradition and rich experience have created such epoch-making optical giants as Leica and Carl Zeiss in Germany; after World War II, Japan has spawned such well-known enterprises as canon, Canon, Fuji and Olympus with high cost performance.

After 2000, the domestic optical industry began to catch up with the support of the state. At present, the global optical lens industry is transferring to China, which has initially broken the original monopoly situation, and a number of excellent domestic lens enterprises have begun to shine.

Leading Chinese mainland continues to extend upstream, carry out the layout of the whole industrial chain, strengthen the industrial trend and enhance the competitiveness of the leading companies. The leading companies further deepen the layout of the optical industry chain, continue to extend to the upstream of the industrial chain, create vertical integration in the optical industry, and enhance the competitiveness of products.

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